Team Science grant from ZonMW

We are very happy to receive funding from ZonMW as part of the Open Competetion programme. The new grant will allow us to characterize pre-autonomic neurons in the hypothalamus. This is a new collaboration between the LUMC and the Amsterdam UMC. The new team includes: Prof. Andries Kalsbeek, Dr. Chun-Xia Yi, Prof. Eric Fliers (Amsterdam UMC) and Prof. Onno Meijer (LUMC).

Brief summary: The hypothalamus is a small brain area that controls all of our physiology via hormones and autonomic nervous system. Its neuro-endocrine neurons have been well-characterized since a long time. With the newest microscopes and molecular techniques researchers will now trace and characterize the neurons that control our autonomic nervous system.

You can read more about the programme and the other funded projects here:


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